Is calculator allowed in upsc maths optional

Calculator plays very important role in Upsc mathematics. As a barber needs a comb, so you need good calculator for the exam.
Is calculator allowed in Upsc Maths Optional?
Upsc allows calculator for upsc maths optional paper.
Is calculator allowed in Both Paper 1 and paper 2 of upsc maths optional?
Upsc allows calculator for both paper 1 and paper 2 of upsc maths optional paper.
Which type of calculator is permitted for upsc maths paper?
Upsc allows only scientific calculator.
Can I use Programmable calculator for upsc maths paper?
Upsc doesn’t permit programmable calculator for upsc maths paper.
What is the difference between programmable calculator and scientific calculator?
In scientific calculator, you can perform calculations more than just division, multiplication, subtraction, and addition. You can perform functions, like trigonometric, exponents, matrix and logarithms. You can define a function with some variables and get the result by choosing different values for variables.
The programmable calculator is a minicomputer with more functions than scientific calculator. Here, you can write a well-defined programme, to perform multiple tasks. Example : You can write a programme to check if a given number is prime or not. You can get a series of Fibonacci numbers.
In scientific calculator, you cannot draw a graph. In programmable calculator, you can draw a graph of complex function like y=sin(cos(tan 2x)))+ tanh(x*sinx).
In scientific calculator, there is single input and single output value. The function should be single and well defined. In programmable calculator, there may be multiple output values. Example: list all prime numbers less than 170.
In scientific calculator, the storage capacity is limited. You can store only few constant values. Some have the limit of storing 10 constant values only. You cannot store functions and text data. In programmable calculator, there is storage limit of few MB, so lot of different type of data like functions, texts and constant values can be stored.
Where is calculator useful in upsc maths paper ?
Calculator is useful to solve and verify equations.
Linear Algebra and Matrix :
Matrix multiplication
Matrix Inverse
Matrix determinants
Eigen values
Matrix Addition and Matrix subtraction
Matrix cofactors
Verifying Cayley Hamilton values
Linear programming:
Simplex calculation
Transportation and Assignment value
Numerical Analysis:
solution of algebraic and transcendental equations ,bisection, Regula-Falsi ,Newton-Raphson methods
Newton’s (forward and backward) interpolation,
Lagrange’s interpolation.
Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rules, Gaussian quadrature formula.
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations: Euler and Runge Kutta-methods.
Computer Programming: Binary system; Arithmetic and logical operations on numbers; Octal and Hexadecimal systems; Conversion to and from decimal systems.
Which calculator should I buy? What should be the buying criteria?
Every calculator comes with different type of operations. Example if you want value of sin(inverse of 0.64), in one calculator , you have to operate as sine + inverse + 0.64, but in other calculator, you have to operate as inverse +sine+0.64. Both give same value, but the operation procedure is different.
So you must choose a calculator, which suits you. It is better if you borrow calculator from your friend, test it thoroughly and if you are comfortable with the operation, then buy a calculator. I cannot recommend any calculator, because you have to choose a calculator, which should suit you.
What are the mistakes committed by upsc maths aspirants regarding calculator ?
Many upsc maths students make a mistake of not practicing calculator thoroughly before exam. They struggle to use calculation during upsc mains exam. They use wrong modes in solving a problem.
Calculator has many modes and different type of operations. Everyone must know all the modes and should know how to change modes quickly. Example you should know using trigonometric values in Radian mode and degree mode. One more example is using logarithm using base 10 or base “e”. Many students struggle to change mode in exam hall. Many students forget to use proper criteria of radian or degree substitutions in trigonometric functions and finally ending up with wrong answer.
So everyone must thoroughly practice using calculation before going to exam.
Why Upsc asked very easy numerical analysis question for 10 or 15 marks? Why upsc asked straight forward Newton Raphson question, Trapezoid Rule question, Simson question or Runge Kutte method, which is very very easy ?
If you thing Upsc has asked easy question, then it is a TRAP. Everyone knows the method, so why upsc asked such easy question.
Upsc is testing your CALCULATOR usage skill. How fast and how accurate you solve the problem using calculator. If the question is easy and you take 15 minutes to get the solution, then you are in a wrong direction. If the question is easy, then you should use calculator very fast, so that you solve it correctly in less than 5 minutes. If you don’t practice thoroughly before exam, then the same easy question will kill your time.